Commented on Madness Intact:
   "Stay tuned, I hope to keep you on your toes!"
    View Discussion.
5 years ago

Commented on Madness Intact:
   "Very kind of you Kerriann! Thank you for your support!"
    View Discussion.
6 years ago

Commented on Extreme Esteem:
   "This was a good read. I appreciate your words :)"
    View Discussion.
6 years ago

Commented on Uncharted:
   ""I think we need to see other people.""
    View Discussion.
6 years ago

Commented on Extreme Esteem:
   "I am going to choose to imagine myself as being very happy and successful, and that whenever "bad" or "heavy" thoughts come to my mind I will acknowledge them, experience them, and let them pass through. Good read."
    View Discussion.
6 years ago

Commented on Camp Haunt:
   "I like mary best so far"
    View Discussion.
6 years ago

Commented on Camp Haunt:
   "Wow...these girls are something else!"
    View Discussion.
6 years ago

Commented on Camp Haunt:
   "She seems like a little witch, but nonetheless entertaining :)"
    View Discussion.
6 years ago

Commented on Camp Haunt:
   "Creepy! Loving the development of the story..."
    View Discussion.
6 years ago

Commented on Camp Haunt:
   "I just began reading this (obviously) and already I’m hooked. Looking forward to more!"
    View Discussion.
6 years ago

Commented on Extreme Esteem:
   "Definitely good to remember that we're all works in progress."
    View Discussion.
6 years ago

Commented on Extreme Esteem:
   "Very good read."
    View Discussion.
7 years ago

Commented on Madness Intact:
   "Thank you for your kind words! I greatly appreciate the input. I will be doing much with this series, so I hope you stay tuned!"
    View Discussion.
7 years ago

Commented on Uncharted:
   "This made me laugh. Reminded me all too much of my own experiences in the break room. I once took two doughnuts and had to face the shame of everyone knowing I had taken two when the courtesy was to take only one and leave it at that."
    View Discussion.
7 years ago

Commented on Extreme Esteem:
   "I needed to read this today. This has made some recent struggles of mine very clear and now I know how to go about fixing or improving them. Thank you for this post. I will keep reading!"
    View Discussion.
7 years ago

Commented on Uncharted:
   "I cautiously look forward to the day when I become more of the parent as mine age into senior citizens. I feel as though the process has already begun in some ways. Mom repeats herself frequently, and dad remains stuck in his outdated ways of thinking. To him though, those ways of thinking are still very much alive. Thanks for the post. Gave me something to think about."
    View Discussion.
7 years ago

Commented on Madness Intact:
   "Thank you! Stay tuned for bimonthly updates!"
    View Discussion.
7 years ago

Commented on The Lake:
   "Hmm, I'm seeing this cop as someone who might find a potential connection with the missing victim. I'd like to learn more about what the detectives uncover."
    View Discussion.
7 years ago

Commented on The Lake:
   "Looking forward to chapter 2!"
    View Discussion.
7 years ago